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Trading Hours

At Whaleoptionspro. there’s always a market for you to trade. Our dedicated specialists are available for you 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

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See at a glance the market hours for all our tradable products below. Please note that Whaleoptionspro. server time and charts are GMetaTrader + 2 or GMetaTrader + 3 (when daylight savings is in effect).

The trading hours for all currency pairs is 00:01 server time to 23:59 server time daily (23:57 on Friday), whereas for Gold is 01:02 server time to 23:57. All other Metals (XAG, XPD, XPT) open for trading at 01:00 server time (Monday) and close at 23:59 server time daily (23:57 on Friday).

You will also be able to view the Trading Hours from within your MetaTrader trading terminal by following the process outlined below.

Right click on any instrument in the ‘Market Watch’ section, then left click on the ‘Specification’ button, a new window will open that shows the Trading Hours for the pair selected. 

Trading Hours are subject to change. The most accurate details are those displayed in your account through the electronic trading system.

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We are here 24hrs a day Monday to Sunday.

Trading Hours

Please refer to the platform for the exact trading session.

Currency Pairs Trading Hours (server time)
All Daily: 00:01 – 23:59
All Friday: 00:01 – 23:57
USD/RUB Daily: 10:00- 23:50

Metals Trading Hours (server time)
XAU/USD 01:02 - 23:57 (Friday: 01:02 - 23:57)
XAU/EUR 01:02 - 23:57 (Friday: 01:02 - 23:57)
XAU/AUD 01:02 - 23:57 (Friday: 01:02 - 23:57)
XAG/USD 01:00 - 23:59 (Friday: 01:00 - 23:57)
XAG/EUR 01:00 - 23:59 (Friday: 01:00 - 23:57)
XPT/USD 01:00 - 23:59 (Friday: 01:00 - 23:57)
XPD/USD 01:00 - 23:59 (Friday: 01:00 - 23:57)

Spot Energies Trading Hours (server time)
XTI/USD 01:00 - 23:59 (Friday: 01:00 - 23:57)
XNG/USD 01:00 - 23:59 (Friday: 01:00 - 23:57)
XBR/USD Monday: 01:00 - 23:59
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 03:00 - 23:59
Friday: 03:00 - 23:57

Soft CFDs on Commodities Daily Trading hours (server time) Daily Break (server time)
Corn 03:00 - 21:20 15:45 - 16:30, 21:20 - 03:00
Coffee 11:16 - 20:30 19:30 - 11:16
Soybean 03:00 - 21:15 15:45 - 16:30, 21:15 - 03:00
Sugar 10:31 - 20:00 20:00 - 10:31
Wheat 03:00 - 21:20 15:45 - 16:30, 21:20 - 03:00
Cotton 04:00 - 21:20 21:20 - 04:00
OJ 15:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 15:00
Cocoa 11:50 - 20:30 19:30 - 11:50

Index Reference Daily Trading hours (server time) Daily Break (server time)
UK100 FTSE 100 Index 01:02 - 23:59 (Monday Open 01:05, Friday Close 22:59) 23:59 - 01:02
US2000 Russell 2000 Index 01:00 - 23:59 (Monday Open 01:00, Friday Close 23:55) 23:59 - 01:00
US30 DJIA Index 01:00 - 23:59 (Monday Open 01:00, Friday Close 23:55) 23:59 - 01:00
US500 E-mini S&P 500 Index 01:00 - 23:59 (Monday Open 01:00, Friday Close 23:55) 23:59 - 01:00
USTEC E-mini Nasdaq 100 01:00 - 23:59 (Monday Open 01:00, Friday Close 23:55) 23:59 - 01:00
AUS200 Australia 200 Index 01:50 - 08:30, 09:10 - 22:59 08:30 - 09:10, 22:59 - 01:50
CA60 Canada 60 TSX Index 16:35 - 23:00 23:00 - 16:35
CHINA50 FTSE ChinaA50 Index 04:00 - 11:30, 12:00 - 23:45 11:30 - 12:00, 23:45 - 04:00
CHINAH Hong Kong ChinaH Index 04:15 - 07:00, 08:00 - 11:30, 12:15 - 22:00 07:00 - 08:00, 11:30 - 12:15, 22:00 - 04:15
DE40 Germany 40 DAX Index 01:02 - 03:15, 03:16 - 23:59 (Friday Close 23:00) 03:15 - 03:16, 23:59 - 01:02
ES35 IBEX 35 Spain Index 10:00 - 20:59 20:59 - 10:00
F40 France 40 CAC Index 09:00 - 22:59 22:59 - 09:00
HK50 Hong Kong 50 Index 04:15 - 07:00, 08:00 - 11:30, 12:15 - 22:00 07:00 - 08:00, 11:30 - 12:15, 22:00 - 04:15
IT40 Italian 40 Index 09:05 - 22:59 22:59 - 09:05
JP225 Japan 225 NIKKEI Index 01:00 - 23:15, 23:30 - 23:59 (Friday 01:00 - 23:15) 23:15 - 23:30, 23:59 - 01:00
MidDE50 Germany Mid50 Index 10:05 - 18:25 18:25 - 10:05
NETH25 Netherlands 25 Index 09:05 - 22:45 22:45 - 09:05
NOR25 Norway 25 Index 10:05 - 17:15 17:15 - 10:05
SA40 South Africa 40 Index 09:35 - 18:25 18:25 - 09:35
SE30 Sweden 30 Index 10:05 - 18:20 18:20 - 10:05
STOXX50 EUROSTOXX 50 Index 09:00 - 22:59 22:59 - 09:00
SWI20 Switzerland 20 Index 09:05 - 22:45 22:45 - 09:05
TecDE30 Germany Tech30 Index 10:05 - 18:25 18:25 - 10:05
IN50 India 50 Index 04:00 - 13:10, 13:40 - 23:43 13:10 - 13:40

Futures Trading Hours (server time) Daily Break (server time)
Brent Crude Oil Futures(BRENTxx) Monday: 01:00 - 23:59; Tuesday - Friday: 00:01 - 01:00, 03:00 - 23:59 01:00 - 03:00
WTI Crude Oil Futures(WTIxx) Monday Open: 01:00, Friday Close: 23:15 00:00 - 01:00
US Volatility Index Futures(VIXxx) Monday Open: 01:00, Friday Close: 23:15 23:15 - 01:00
US Dollar Index Futures(DXYxx) Monday Open: 00:01, Friday Close: 23:57 00:00 - 03:00

Cryptocurrency MT4 & MT5
BCHUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55 Saturday 00:45-23:59 Sunday 00:05-23:59
BTCUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55 Saturday 00:45-23:59 Sunday 00:05-23:59
ETHUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55 Saturday 00:45-23:59 Sunday 00:05-23:59
LTCUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55 Saturday 00:45-23:59 Sunday 00:05-23:59
XRPUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55 Saturday 01:05-17:00 Sunday 00:05-23:59
XLMUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55 Saturday 01:05-17:00 Sunday 00:05-23:59
DOTUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55 Saturday 01:05-17:00 Sunday 00:05-23:59
LNKUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55 Saturday 01:05-17:00 Sunday 00:05-23:59
DSHUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
EOSUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
ADAUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
XTZUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
DOGUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
UNIUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
BNBUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
SOLUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
MTCUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
LUNUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
KSMUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
GLMUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
AVXUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
Cryptocurrency cTrader
BCHUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
BTCUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
ETHUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
LTCUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55
DSHUSD Monday - Thursday 00:05-23:59 Friday 00:05-23:55

Stocks Stock Exchange Name Trading sessions
ASX Australian Stock Exchange 01.10 - 06.55
NYSE New York Stock Exchange 16:35 - 22:55
NAS NASDAQ Basic 16:35 - 22:55
ETR Xetra German Stock Exchange 10:05 - 18:25
AMS Amsterdam Stock Exchange 10:05 - 18:25
PAR Paris Stock Exchange 10:05 - 18:25
MAD Madrid Stock Exchange 10:05 - 18:25
LSE London Stock Exchange 10:05 - 18:25

Sybmol Name Trading hours
ITBTP10Y BTP Italian Bonds Monday 09:00 to Friday 20:00
EURBOBL Euro Bobl Monday 09:00 to Friday 22:59
EURBUND Euro Bund Monday 09:00 to Friday 22:59
EURSCHA Euro Schatz Monday 09:00 to Friday 22:59
UKGB UK Long Gilt Monday 10:00 to Friday 20:00
UST10Y US 10 YR T-Note Monday 01:00 to Friday 23:55
UST05Y US 5 YR T-Note Monday 01:00 to Friday 23:55
UST30Y US 30 YR T-Note Monday 01:00 to Friday 23:55
JGB10Y Japanese 10yr Monday 03:00 to Friday 19:00 (Daily Break 12:10 - 13:30)
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Notice: You must be 18 years old, or of legal age as determined in your country. Upon registering an account with Whaleoptionspro. Ltd, you acknowledge that you are registering at your own free will, without solicitation on behalf of Whaleoptionspro. Ltd.

Risk Warning: Trading Stocks and CFDs carries a high level of risk to your capital and you should only trade with experts that won't lose your money. Trading Stocks and CFDs may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you seek independent advice if from expert traders.